Photography Careers That Pay the Bills
Photography careers are critical to a wide range of industries, and they often require knowledge of modern imaging technology as well as traditional photographic equipment. Today, there are a multitude of diverse careers in the field, from portrait photography to photojournalism. Each choice offers different opportunities and require different skills, and some even offer enough compensation to make them viable full time jobs.
From weddings to school photos, portrait photographers are on site with their equipment to capture the moment. They may operate out of their own studios as well as working on location, and if they are self-employed or own their own business, they’ll have a wide variety of other job responsibilities, like billing clients, making appointments, processing images and framing photos.
Photojournalists document people and events for newspapers, magazines and other publications.
Commercial photography encompasses a range of photography careers that specialize in helping clients market their products or services. Commercial photographers take pictures of everything from buildings to merchandise to company employees, for media such as catalogs, advertisements and websites.
Scott James
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Owen Christ
To link your Facebook and Twitter accounts, open the Instagram app on your phone or tablet, and select the Profile tab in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
Edna Watson
To link your Facebook and Twitter accounts, open the Instagram app on your phone or tablet, and select the Profile tab in the bottom-right corner of the screen.